Expressions of Love
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Bill with his Parents and some of his sisters

I saw you today

You laughed and you waved

Sittin on the porch like you did so many days


I can't remember how to smile anymore

I miss you so much tears fall everyday

I know it's wrong to wish you back again

But my joy left with you went away


I saw you again

You looked up with those brown eyes and shuck your head

In the garden putting up post like you did all last summer


I can't remember how to laugh

I miss you so much tears fall everyday

I know it's wrong to wish you back again

but my laughter left with you when you went away


I just saw you Walk thru the Hall

Your still with me after all

My smile and laughter still won't come as much

But I can close my eyes and  Your still with me


Just Passing Through
I just came to stay for awhile
Now if you Love me, you'll let me go
Thanks for the Love we shared and all the good times we spent together
But there is another place awaiting me
Please don't grieve when I go, I'll meet you again someday where we will never have to say goodbye or part again
So promise me you won't be sad, but treaure the little time we had
Our time together was brief I know, but if you Love Me you'll let me go
 Written by: JoAnn Long Pace (sister)

"My Treasure"
A Treasure from Heaven
A gift to precious for the world to hold
A heart of gold that couldn't be measured
A Ruby giving all that knew you the gift of love
You were my diamond
Sparkling forever in my mind
Truly Gold, understanding and bringing comfort at a glance
God has reclaimed his Sapphire
Which is likened in Heaven
A place where you are feeling no pain
I'll see you again I know
It's just so hard to let go
In my heart you are alive
I know when I get to Heaven my treasure will be waiting


Bill with sisters; Alieen and Polly